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The LETS Webring HTML Fragment

Once you've registered your LETS website, you will receive a fragment of HTML code that you should place on your website.

This piece of HTML allows navigation through the LETS Webring and contains a reference to the following image:

(URL of this image: <>)

This image works well on light backgrounds, but what if your website has a dark or black background? In that case you are free to use any of the following fragments:

Other LETS sites of interest:

Open Directory - Society: Organizations: Local Currency Systems

Community currencies all over the world

LETSystems database


LETS Webring member sites!

or perhaps this more frivolous one:

And if you maintain a page with an adventurous color scheme:

In fact, if you are familiar with Photoshop or other image editors, you are free to modify the colors of the HTML fragment and adapt them to the 'look and feel' of your own website. It is no problem to use a 'local' image (i.e. stored on your own web server) in the fragment. Just remember to keep the background of the image transparent - with transparency it looks nicest.

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